Art, games, fiction / アート・ゲーム・フィクション

Multispecies urban futures / 多種が共生共栄できる都市の未来

A number of other activities related to multispecies urban futures are ongoing. For example, with colleagues we have in April 2021 released the solarpunk-inspired speculative fiction anthology “Multispecies Cities” published in collaboration with World Weaver Press. Work is underway for a fundamental re-definition of the sustainability concept based around multispecies ideas. With AOI Landscape Design and Lihua Cui, we are exploring what a multispecies community garden design might look like. Some of this research was funded by a Incubation Study grant by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (2019-2020). Starting 2020, we will also be collaborating with Dr. Joost Vervoort (Utrecht University) on the ANTICIPLAY project looking at gaming and anticipatory governance.